Age of AOE (PART I )
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I don't know how to write music, otherwise I would have really written down the entire music of the first part of AOE. It is this music, which makes the unbreakable bond between me and AOE (Age of Empire).
AOE is the only Microsoft product (and Zoo Tycoon) I still like after gaining knowledge about open source projects. It is a strategy game, where the user has to build his own town, defend it from enemy and then grab the enemy's town. There are different winning conditions the user can choose from. Player can kill the king of the enemy, or kill all the people, or build a wonder, etc. For a single player there are different scenarios. The scenarios are created so that player can take any role he/she wish. The player can be only attacking or defensive. Scenarios are a very good start for single player. Then there are the different situations in which player can play straight away battles with either computer or with other humans.
I started playing AOE when I was in third year of BE. One of the chip magazine cd had come with this game, along with zoo tycoon. First I took the learning scenario. I liked it. So I started playing the battle game. In my first game, I start building houses, fields, mining gold, building different buildings and gaining resources. Everything was peaceful, when suddenly from nowhere Romans attacked and started killing people and destroying buildings. I haven't prepared for defense, and I was defending with villagers. My villagers were attacking with knives on the long swordsmen. I loose that game very badly. This is my first AOE battle game.
Then slowly and steadily I learned about different weapons and units. I build docks, towers, walls. I created war boats and other fighting units. After some games, I found out the tactics for defending the base. Meanwhile, I also gain knowledge about different research and ages. Which building produces what units, which research to be done for making these units strong, which are essential buildings, how to gain more wood, more food, there was so much to learn in the game.
And then in one game, before enemy attacks me I attacked them. This was the start of attacking strategy. My first attack was very weak. The opponent was prepared next age weapons, and a solid defense, which I could not stand. The map was such that I can only attack through water. And both the opponents were having many towers at the sea shores, and lot of war boats. Then I started attacking from more than one end. While the opponents defense was battling with one end, I attacked form other end. This was a successful strategy. The problem again was when I am in battle with one opponent, another will attack my base. That means my defense should also be strong.
Then finally in some game, I finished both opponents, and finish that map. The second map was more difficult. Here you have to destroy the wonder of one of the enemy to win the game. This enemy was very strong in defense. But you can only attack this enemy, when you get rid of other civilization, which is strong in attack, and will continuously attack on you. So first you have to defeat this enemy, take all its resources and then attack on the wonder. I thought a lot about how to defeat the attacking enemy and played a lot games without having success. Finally I found out a hole in this enemy's land. I was failing because I was attacking though water. If I could attack through ground then I would surely win, as the enemy is wasting all its resources on water attack. I also found out a hiding treasure, in the enemy's land.
With this strategy I started a new game. I defended my base from the continuous attack and at the same time, I started building a base on the enemy's land. There was jungle between my base and enemy base. I had to break entire jungle, and attack on the enemy. As my new base was very safe, I started developing weapons here itself. Once I got a small entry in the enemy's base and whooaa! As I have imagined the land defense was very weak. It must have cost me utmost an elephant, to take control of this enemy base. Once enemy was busy in land battle, I also attacked from sea and the enemy was totally helpless. It was so simple at the "hardest level".
So with this strategy, I finished this map too, by destroying the wonder of the other enemy. I can't tell how much glad I was when those words "You have destroy the wonder" came on screen. This was end of first version of AOE.
Somebody who has read this blog till this point, must be wondering that I was playing the game day-night. Yes, that’s true. This was that one year of my life, when I did nothing, other than playing videogames and watching TV.
Somewhere at this point, while I was on the finish of AOE I, I got AOE II Age of Kings, again from one of the Chip magazine cd. I started playing the game after finishing AOE I. There was only one map, with two enemies. It didn't take much time for me to finish this game.
This is the end of first part. The second part begins at IIT. For that keep watching chamanchindi.
Boy, have you been maintaining a diary since your college days?
Anonymous, at 2:54 AM
have u ever had pepperoni pizza or woodstock to get into coinage with photon man.
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Vaibhav, at 3:12 AM
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